Friday, November 2, 2012

New and Exciting Things!

New and exciting for me at least! Despite the sales slump, I have been moving forward with listing and such. I have achieved my goal of upgrading my store to Premium.  My plan was to wait until I hit 230 listings, as this is the magic number where it becomes cheaper to upgrade from Basic store to Premium. I hit 230 last night.  Fixed price listings are now .05 cents vs .20 cents. Of course the monthly fee is more, but if you stay above 230 listings you do save money. 
Autumn got a flyer from Vistaprint  for 250 free business cards, so we ordered the card pictured above. The cost was $4.50 for shipping. Not too bad.
About a month ago, I registered Pioneer Valley Fashion at Go Daddy. I finally got around to redirecting  it to my Ebay store. This makes finding it a lot easier than using the old Ebay store address.
I have embraced using a tripod when taking pictures for auctions. I used to point and shoot, and while usually good, my pictures left a little to be desired. I am by no means a pro at taking pictures, but this is a major step in the right direction.
I have gotten everything ready for my Sunday Sale. All items have been put into a second store category for easy access.
I have gotten all of the rubber stamps we bought listed on Ebay. I have sold 5 already for $16.95.  Not a lot, but we only paid $2.00 for the lot, and I still have 45 listed so I stand to make some decent money if they sell.  
As of now, there are only a few yard sales tomorrow, and Sunday is the last flea market. Hopefully there will be some last minute additions to the yard sale roster.

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