Thursday, September 4, 2014

Swagbucks 101 Part 2 - Swagbucks TV Mobile

Unfamiliar with Swagbucks? Check it out here. Welcome back to Swagbucks 101. In Part 1, I talked about simple ways to earn Swag Bucks (SB). In Part 2, I will begin addressing an easier, more lucrative way to earn: Mobile Apps. With the 5 mobile apps I will discuss, you can earn an additional (as of now) 266 SB per day. These apps will all run on most Android devices, in fact people will buy cheap Android phones just to run the apps. 2 of them (Swagbucks TV is one) will also run on iOS. All five are available from Google Play and you can have them up and running quickly. These apps will run video clips that you will get SB from. The best part is these apps are totally passive, meaning you let them run until they max out. Keep in mind that the amount of SB you can earn for any of these apps is subject to change. The numbers I am giving you are current as of the time of writing.
The first one I am going to talk about is Swagbucks TV Mobile. You can find this app here:

Android (2.2 or higher)

iOS (6.0 or higher)

This app will give you 36 SB per day (it was just lowered from 50 per day). You will get 2 SB for every 5 clips you watch. You will need to watch 90 clips to max out. You can simply let clips play in order, or you can favorite the shortest clip and loop it. This is the preferred method of the savvy Swaggernaut. By doing this you can reach your max very quickly and move on to the next app.
If you can find the 10 Sec Tips in the Home and Garden section, favorite them all (I have 18). Then just go to your Favorites section in the app and play. You should be able to max out in 15-20 minutes depending on the speed of your connection.
By running these apps daily, and doing a few simple things discussed in Part 1, you can earn enough for a $5 gift card in about 2 days.

Tune in soon for Part 3 which will feature the second app for Swagbucks.

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